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scritto da Bettina Nagel il
44536-2013-08-012016-04-12 09:17:45

Suggestions to decorate your house or how to expose what we love or collect in the best way


As usual…. to see better “click” on the photos!


Everybody has a passion or love collecting something  and keeping records. All these objects have one thing in common: it’s not easy to show them in the way they deserve.


Credenza piena di ricordi Bordo di un camino con collezioni di angeli e portafoto


There are some rules to follow for a best looking. Let me show you some of them! Choose a place in your house as a frame for these objects. If it’s glass put it up, so children can’t reach it. Or choose a corner that you consider “yours”, a place where you go to relax and where you love staying and looking at these things, maybe drinking a glass of wine chatting with your husband (I’m talking to women, because  we are here in female area!).


Rule No. 1

You can make it in two different ways: if you have different groups, you have to divide them but  in the same way they have to be connected.


Sort out all your staff, make groups according to colors, highness and subjects. All groups, also when the subjects are different, have to touch each other in a way that they don’t seem to be there by chance.


I know it’s not easy to do that. Show them in a nice way, mix them almost by chance in your office or in your sleeping room. So you can enjoy them without any mess in your kitchen or in your living room.


Console con busto, lampada, lanterna e una cornice con varie immagini Collezione di cilindri, vetri viola e maschere da scherma


Rule No. 2

If you have family objects, like glasses, vases, frames, candleholders etc. you have to put the highest one in the middle and then go down creating a triangle. If you also want to add some little candleholders put them at the sides to obtain a perfect shape. If you decorate with candles do it in the same way, but use colors that fit with your house. If you choose to use different colors for the candles, take care that it doesn’t look, like you used all the “rubbish” you had around. Remember all the time that the objects must touch each other, so it doesn’t look like you have put them without any sense.


Console stile francese con una coppia di lampade Piccolo tavolo con varie alzate bianche e cupole di vetro


Rule No. 3

If you have little and very high things you can make it like described in Rule No. 2 with your little things on a furniture, and the big ones on the floor next to the furniture.


Rule No. 4

If you have a lot of little candleholders put them on a tray or on a mirror, mix them with taste so that not all the same ones are near to each other; very nice it’s also a collection of different balls you can put like a little mountain.


Collezione di vetri Credenza con vasi, lampada e oggetti vari


Rule No. 5

If you have two same lamps on a furniture you can place a mirror in the middle (attention! Seven years of bad luck if you break it!) . It will be right enough in this way, but if you love to add something you can create like a little bar in front of the mirror using carafes of crystal or glass (never even numbers, but 3, 5 etc.).


Rule No. 6

If you have different sizes and types of frames, no problem, do like with the glasses: in the middle the highest one and go down in a triangle. Make a nice mix with the different materials. If you want to make it soft you can choose all photos in black and white… but this is up to you.


Console con vecchie cupole d'argento Collezione di portaparrucchini e specchi


I can’t stop repeating:  the more your objects follow one taste, one direction, one style, one color the more your result will be fantastic. If you place everything in a nice way, you will see that the things you love will have another value and your family or friends will notice them for the very first time, even if you have owned them for a lot of years. Now you can tell the stories about your things, remember the past and it’s like to buy them another time.







Suggestions to decorate your house or how to expose what we love or collect in the best wayEverybody has a passion or love collecting something and keeping records. All these objects have one thing in common: it’s not easy to show them in the way they deserve.nodecorationdecorazioni, oggetti, messo in scenaon140{"titolo":"Suggestions to decorate your house or how to expose what we love or collect in the best way","abstract":"Everybody has a passion or love collecting something and keeping records. All these objects have one thing in common: it’s not easy to show them in the way they deserve.","testo":"

Suggestions to decorate your house or how to expose what we love or collect in the best way




As usual…. to see better “click” on the photos!




Everybody has a passion or love collecting something  and keeping records. All these objects have one thing in common: it’s not easy to show them in the way they deserve.








There are some rules to follow for a best looking. Let me show you some of them! Choose a place in your house as a frame for these objects. If it’s glass put it up, so children can’t reach it. Or choose a corner that you consider “yours”, a place where you go to relax and where you love staying and looking at these things, maybe drinking a glass of wine chatting with your husband (I’m talking to women, because  we are here in female area!).




Rule No. 1


You can make it in two different ways: if you have different groups, you have to divide them but  in the same way they have to be connected.




Sort out all your staff, make groups according to colors, highness and subjects. All groups, also when the subjects are different, have to touch each other in a way that they don’t seem to be there by chance.




I know it’s not easy to do that. Show them in a nice way, mix them almost by chance in your office or in your sleeping room. So you can enjoy them without any mess in your kitchen or in your living room.








Rule No. 2


If you have family objects, like glasses, vases, frames, candleholders etc. you have to put the highest one in the middle and then go down creating a triangle. If you also want to add some little candleholders put them at the sides to obtain a perfect shape. If you decorate with candles do it in the same way, but use colors that fit with your house. If you choose to use different colors for the candles, take care that it doesn’t look, like you used all the “rubbish” you had around. Remember all the time that the objects must touch each other, so it doesn’t look like you have put them without any sense.








Rule No. 3


If you have little and very high things you can make it like described in Rule No. 2 with your little things on a furniture, and the big ones on the floor next to the furniture.




Rule No. 4


If you have a lot of little candleholders put them on a tray or on a mirror, mix them with taste so that not all the same ones are near to each other; very nice it’s also a collection of different balls you can put like a little mountain.








Rule No. 5


If you have two same lamps on a furniture you can place a mirror in the middle (attention! Seven years of bad luck if you break it!) . It will be right enough in this way, but if you love to add something you can create like a little bar in front of the mirror using carafes of crystal or glass (never even numbers, but 3, 5 etc.).




Rule No. 6


If you have different sizes and types of frames, no problem, do like with the glasses: in the middle the highest one and go down in a triangle. Make a nice mix with the different materials. If you want to make it soft you can choose all photos in black and white… but this is up to you.








I can’t stop repeating:  the more your objects follow one taste, one direction, one style, one color the more your result will be fantastic. If you place everything in a nice way, you will see that the things you love will have another value and your family or friends will notice them for the very first time, even if you have owned them for a lot of years. Now you can tell the stories about your things, remember the past and it’s like to buy them another time.













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